brainHC Skills is expanding its portfolio of class-leading training programmes by introducing a new “Brain First” course for professionals in the healthcare sector.

The initiative will see the company form a partnership with research scientist and clinical educator Denise Cafarelli Dees with the aim of “turbo-charging your brain power”.

The “Brain First” course is a professional development programme which will result in the awarding of a Postgraduate Diploma in Human Factors and Neuroscience to the successful candidates.

The aim of the course is to enable clinical teams or sales teams from medical device companies to make better decisions for greater impact with more effective engagement.

One of the revolutionary aspects of the programme will be the focus on demonstrating the fact that the activity of the brain and its physical characteristics change when decisions are made or ideas conceived.

It is this awareness – or having the brain in mind – that will result in better decision-making, a greater understanding of patients’ requirements and an enhanced ability to interact with colleagues.

Situational awareness, external engagement, communications leadership, relationship influencing and “inner and outer improvement” are some of the core principles explored by the course.

Optimal functioning is the global goal – as is the avoidance of “brain overload”, which can adversely affect decision-making and professional performance.

Our brains have tremendous capacity to learn. How training is delivered and the learning environment in which it is delivered impact on the mental capacity to transfer newly acquired knowledge and skills. “Brain friendly” changes to the way training is delivered can improve the opportunity for the transfer of learning.

To date, two pilot courses on decision-making have been presented by HC Skills and Denise Cafarelli Dees, of Brain First,  to individuals working in the healthcare industry.

And 14 experienced Cochlear Implant surgeons from across Europe, the Middle East and Africa – who were participating in a course on complex case management – enjoyed a first session on the “Neuroscience of Decision Making and Patient Education” in the clinical management of patients with complex needs or who present with challenging surgical issues.

Decision-making is in the locus of someone’s control. They have the power to break patterns of behaviour simply by making better decisions. They can change their mind and actions at any time, even when they’re stuck in a cycle of rut-like thinking.

Having a better understanding of the neuroscience behind decision-making helps people make decisions that lead to improved outcomes.

For more information about course content and dates, click here.




Tel: +44 (0) 141 946 6482

Address: Healthcare Skills Training International Ltd
West of Scotland Science Park
Block 7, Kelvin Campus
Glasgow G20 0SP