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IMG_2816MANY hands make light work, goes the time-honoured saying – but if those hands aren’t surgically clean, they’re not fit for purpose.

And who better to make the point than Shiona McKelvie, who is faculty lead on HC Skills’ Hospital Theatre Access courses.

After closing the last course of the year delivered by HC Skills– which finished in Toulouse, France, on Wednesday, December 17, 2015 – Shiona was only too happy to demonstrate during a walkabout in the city the correct hand-washing technique for those who are required to be present in a surgical environment.

HC Skills CEO Diane Irvine reckons that Shiona has overseen the “washing” of more than 250 pairs of hands at various sittings of the course – and the Hospital Access course – at venues across the United Kingdom and Europe.

She said: “Shiona has been an exemplary faculty lead this year and her expertise is absolutely invaluable.

“She is also a great ‘people person’, which makes her hugely popular with delegates.”

The Theatre Access course – which is at Level 5 on there European Qualification Framework – develops the knowledge and skills which hospital management expect of medical device industry personnel entering, assisting and providing verbal/technical input within clinical areas.

The programme is delivered – through formal presentations, problem-based learning and practical clinical sessions in a relevant clinical setting – by a qualified faculty lead with defining knowledge and experience in the field.

Shiona – pictured beside a carousel in Toulouse City Centre – was demonstrating manual hygiene before having a spin on the hobby horses.

When will the next 250 pairs of hands be properly clean? That’s a fair question!






Tel: +44 (0) 141 946 6482

Address: Healthcare Skills Training International Ltd
West of Scotland Science Park
Block 7, Kelvin Campus
Glasgow G20 0SP