Healthcare Skills International

The Postgraduate Diploma in Computer-Assisted Robotics course, took place in Golden Jubilee this month and we were fortunate to have our esteemed industry partners collaborating with us, supporting the  hands on  sessions  over this two-day event. Feedback from the participants on the course was overwhelmingly positive and appreciative of the orthopaedic faculty led by Mr Fred Picard and his colleagues.

Set to take place again at the Golden Jubilee Hospital in Glasgow, potential attendees can expect a comprehensive pre-course reading, offering insights into contemporary prosthetic knee alignment and balance rationale, as well as an understanding of the principles of computer and robotic-assisted arthroplasty. The course ambitiously aims to equip learners with the proficiency to employ computer and robot technology effectively in surgical planning, decision-making, and execution. The practical workshop sessions have been designed to encourage the application of knowledge and the enhancement of skills in software utilisation and surgical workflows.

Assessment for this professional qualification  revolves around knee alignment principles, optical and electromagnetic tracking, medical imaging techniques, and soft tissue and joint gap management. Evaluation methods will include verbal technical instructions exercises, a multiple-choice questionnaire, orthopaedic case study presentations, and a written exercise on the principles of knee alignment.

For further details or to secure your place on this course, the prospectus can be accessed and registration completed online via the link below. As an alternative, you could also email Seize this opportunity to propel your career in robotic-assisted knee arthroplasty forward.

You can access our brochure here: Healthcare Skills Training International Post Graduate Diploma






Tel: +44 (0) 141 946 6482

Address: Healthcare Skills Training International Ltd
West of Scotland Science Park
Block 7, Kelvin Campus
Glasgow G20 0SP