All programmes are delivered by respected medical practitioners, allied healthcare professionals and medical device industry experts. They are all certified in clinical education and have the defining knowledge and experience in their field. This guarantees training is current, credible and relevant. We offer a variety of postgraduate qualifications including Diplomas and Certificates as well as Professional Awards
All qualifications are issued by EduQual, a regulated awarding body approved by SQA-Accreditation (globally-recognised national qualifications regulator in UK), full member of Federation of Awarding Bodies
Why Learn With Us?
£2,350.00 – £2,450.00
£2,350.00 – £2,450.00
£2,350.00 – £2,450.00
£350.00 – £500.00
£350.00 – £450.00
Tel: +44 (0) 141 946 6482
Address: Healthcare Skills Training International Ltd
West of Scotland Science Park
Block 7, Kelvin Campus
Glasgow G20 0SP